Acupuncture Diagnosis and Treatment:

Acupuncture is one branch of Oriental Medicine. An acupuncture treatment starts with a consultation between the doctor and the patient. From interviewing, observing & taking the patients pulse, the practitioner is able to gather specific information in order to determine the diagnosis. The quality of the diagnosis is key in establishing a treatment plan for the patient. A treatment plan consists in one or a series of acupuncture sessions aimed at correcting imbalances identified in the diagnosis. As the patient improves, the diagnosis changes and the treatments are adjusted to reflect the patient’s progress.

The Acupuncture Session:

The acupuncture treatment itself consists of the insertion of tiny thread-like needles into points along pathways of energy called “meridians”. This facilitates the movement of energy or “qi” (pronounced ‘chee’). As long as energy flows freely and harmoniously, health is maintained. Stimulation of acupuncture points can help regulate energy by supplementing what is deficient and dispersing what is blocked or stagnant.

During the treatment, most patients experience a sense of deep relaxation and well-being. Only pre-sterilized and individually packaged disposable needles are used. A treatment lasts between 30 minutes and one hour. When appropriate, herbs are prescribed to consolidate and sustain the benefits of the acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture is compatible with other health care systems, including allopathic medicine. It is important to discuss any concurrent treatment and medicines used with the other doctor(s) so that herb-drug compatibility may be assessed. Input and on-going discussion with other health care practitioners used by the patient is highly encouraged for increased effectiveness.

Traditional Oriental Medicine can address the following conditions most effectively:

Musculoskeletal Problems / Pain Relief
back pain, injuries
hip pain, sciatica
arthritis, tendinitis
muscle pain, fibromylagia
neck pain


Musculoskeletal Problems / Pain Relief
back pain, injuries
hip pain, sciatica
arthritis, tendinitis
muscle pain, fibromylagia
neck pain


Sports Medicine
optimum performance


Quality of Life
stress management
irritabilitiy, mood swings
stop smoking
weight management
adjunct therapy to cancer therapy


Women’s Health
menstrual disorders
disorders of menipause
postpartum disorders
bleeding disorders


Internal Medicine
respiratory disorders (asthma, allergies, flu, colds)
nervous system disorders
hormonal disorders
immune system disorders
urinary disorders
skin disorders


Preventative Health Care
Particularly effective for allergies, immune system enhancement, health maintenance and performance enhancement


Alternative methods of treatment are also available:


Independent BEMER Distributor (IBD) BioElectroMagneticEnergyRebalancing
Bemer Group: Bemer For Life

What is Bemer?

Healthy microcirculation is vital to optimal health. Improving healthy microcirculation, through the targeted stimulation of vasomotion, is the primary goal of BEMER to support muscular health and optimize performance.*

BEMER devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field – abbreviated as PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal. The BEMER signal helps improve the impaired pumping movements of small and very small vessels to promote needs-based distribution of blood throughout the muscles.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or Health Canada. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

MPS (Microcurrent Point Stimulation)

Microcurrent Neurostimulation with  MPS (Microcurrent Point Stimulation) therapy for Pain and Stress management

This is only a partial list of the health problems that are successfully treated with Traditional Oriental Medicine. If you have any questions or concerns about your symptoms or diagnosis, please feel free to contact us.
Willow Clinic is looking forward to providing you with the very best of care.

Welocme to the Willow Clinic located in Taos, New Mexico

Caroline Colonna, D.O.M. Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Phone: (575) 758-5070
1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane
El Prado, NM 87529